Simple AireDay Joys

“Simple AireDay Joys” is an ad campaign produced by Aevice Health for their commercial product: AireSone Junior.The advertisement from this ad campaign was conceptualised for our target audience: Parents of children that have compromised respiratory health.
Through the video, parents can identify themselves: a busy parent working late, and missing home. Or perhaps a parent that works from home, and needs that peace of mind before heading to bed after a long day. AireSone Junior is able to give parents what they need, a sleep that is rest assured.

For this Advertisement, I was the Project Lead involved in conceptualising the storyboard, as well as planning out the timelines for all team members involved. Smaller details such as sourcing the production company, set design and costumes were curated by my team and I.

The secondary part of the ad campaign was to plan out and execute a photoshoot to collect about 50 assets total. These assets are carefully conceptualised and executed so that AireSone Junior may utilise them for social media an other various catalogues for the coming year.


AireSone Junior


B Human